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Client Success Stories

Swap Bitsaa

Client: Kunbi developed software that allows users to swap their cryptocurrency into real money.

Challenge: He couldn’t partake in one-on-one meetings so we had to research in the client’s absence.

Result: We grasped the concept of cryptocurrency with thorough research and created a cryptocurrency company pitch deck presentation, clearly highlighting Swap Bitsaa’s functionality. It was immediately approved.

cryptocurrency business ideas presentation
best product pitch decks


Client: Sreeja and Amruth created a concentrated hand wash, which can be condensed into sachets. The environment-friendly business uses reusable bottles to reduce plastic waste.

Requirement: A beautiful story to connect with the audience.

Result: We constructed a comprehensive storyboard, highlighting their USPs. The pitch deck presentation demonstrates how the economically sound business will attract climate-conscious people. The data-backed story proved their potential and they got funded.


Client: Renee wanted to build ContigoU as a platform with all information on manually operated nursing homes.

Challenge: To accumulate brilliant yet personal stories into one business pitch deck presentation and convince investors.

Result: We conducted 6 one-on-one workshops to understand Renee’s business story and compiled a presentation displaying all things exciting about the brand and the founder. Spoiler alert: it got funded.

best investor pitch deck examples